Hi, I’m Celene.

My goal is to educate and empower people of all ages in simple, clear, and creative ways when it comes to nutrition! I give you the steps you need to start making PRACTICAL and EASY changes TODAY.

It's a proven fact; when our bodies are physically healthy and thriving, our entire world becomes more healthy and thriving. We attract what we are! And pure JOY can truly be felt when our bodies are healthy and in a state of vibrance and balance. You deserve to feel JOY. You deserve to live a soul-powered life.

You’re here because

You don’t know where to start.

But you do know you want to improve your lifestyle! You want to start making healthy choices for yourself, and your family, and you want practical and easy steps. You are seeking guidance.

You want to double check that you're hitting all of the marks for you and your kids.

You have already taken many steps towards healthy living! You may have even switched to a completely plant based diet (which is what I encourage and promote), and are seeking deeper education.

You are seeking inspiration.

You are looking for examples, recipes, laughter, and want to connect to a real mom, like you. You don't follow the social trends or call yourself a "crunchy" mom. You love your kids and want to support them in every way. You are messy when you cook and your pictures are never Pinterest Perfect.

You have come to the right place!

Because no matter the reasons or what phase you are in with your health journey, it is perfect for YOU! I was also YOU and continued through all of the phases! Through the removal and replenishing of foods, I started to make healthier choices for me and my family. And then, I enrolled in HMI Wellness because I wanted to be certain that I had the education/facts/science to keep my family thriving. And now I am existing in the final stage! I am always seeking to learn, grow, change, expand and be inspired!

My mission is to inspire and courage you by sharing my knowledge and experience. I will SUPPORT, GUIDE, and EMPOWER you AND your kids to start living a life of health and JOY by giving you easy and practical steps to use TODAY.

For many of us as children, myself included, we didn't last long in a healthy and JOYFUL state of body balance! (You can read more about that on my About page)

But the great news is that we CAN get back to a state of healthy body equilibrium and we CAN provide that for our children!

It is much easier to form healthy lifestyle habits from a young age! Reviews of studies have found that healthy and vegetarian/vegan habits that start at a young age, lead to many healthy and nutritional habits in adulthood. These habits are crucial to implement in childhood!
Especially because in recent years the CDC has stated some stark statistics. See below:

It's also important to note that NOT all health minded people are practicing a safe lifestyle, including those that are plant based/vegan. This is because the switch to a healthier and/or plant based lifestyle is EASY but some people make the jump before preparing or even knowing what they're doing! With the extensive knowledge I've studied through HMI Wellness, the world's first plant based nutrition and coaching school, I am leading you on your health journey with confidence, using proven and research based nutrition information.

Not only do I have the wealth of knowledge obtained through HMI Wellness and the experience of being a mom to two healthy boys, but I also have my lived experience to support you! I wasn't always plant based, so I can relate to YOU!

If you are like me, you have had some of these thoughts:

I want to be healthier, but I can never stay committed.

There are so many "diets" out there. It's overwhelming and confusing.

Eating healthy is expensive.

I want to be plant based, but I can't give up eating _____.

I don't have time to cook healthy meals.

My kids won't eat fruits or vegetables

I don't have a clue what kinds of foods my kids should be eating.

My kids don't eat healthy at their other parent's house, so they won't eat healthy by me.

What the heck is tofu?

Growing up on a farm, I made a lot of my own excuses as to why I “couldn’t” go plant based.

I'm going to say it to you straight. These are excuses and STORIES you tell yourself.

I told these same lies for YEARS. After watching a video about factory farms, I wanted to be a vegetarian but I told myself that I couldn't give up cheese and I would miss bacon. I used the old "I'm from the midwest. I eat cheese. It's what I do" excuse. And there were many, many other lies I told myself.

However, once I started to make a transition to a healthier lifestyle, the benefits for me and my kids were many and continue to this day! There are so many physical, mental and spiritual benefits to leading a healthier life.

Just a few of the benefits that can come from working with me include:

Improved Mental Health

Feeling less stressed - You no longer have to worry about if you and your kids are getting their nutritional needs met. You will sleep better at night because, with the knowledge I share, you will know how best to support yourself and your children!

Embodying Joy - It's not rocket science. When you eat better, you feel better! I will coach you through the easy and practical steps you can take to start feeling better INSIDE and OUTSIDE! My motto is "Shine Your Light By Eating Right" and you will feel the profound truth in those simple words.

Improved Physical Health

Enhanced Bodily Functions - When you eliminate foods that are toxic and cause the liver to overwork, your overall health and energy improve dramatically!

Just a couple of the physical benefits include - more energy, better sleep, less aches and pains, better digestion, weight loss, enhanced immune system, less trips to the doctor, lowered cholesterol and blood pressure and SO MUCH MORE. I will help you remove and replenish your household with the foods you and your family need to start thriving!

Working with me is a step toward taking the guess work out of the "right" changes to make. It's also a step towards more ease and way less overthinking- I remove the guessing and replace it with specific, tangible and practical ways to take action immediately.

Whether you need help clearing out the unhealthy foods from your home, getting clear on exactly what to buy at the grocery store so that you're prepared and ready for each mealtime and feeling stress free.

Or you want ongoing support and coaching in forming new healthy habits so you that feel empowered and energized. You will receive the support emotionally and feel equipped, excited, and JOYFUL about all the ways you and your family are going to benefit from lifestyle changes.

Or you want the specific education behind which supplements to take, what brands are top-notch, and what vitamins are the most important to support you and your children's' health. I spell it all out for you with simple and digestible knowledge!

I also believe that some of the smallest steps can have the BIGGEST impacts! And that the most seemingly inconsequential decision can be the most significant choice of your life. You finding me and coming to this page may be the biggest catalyst of JOYFUL changes in your life and those of your children lives. It’s time to embrace your soul powered life!

Choose Joy. Choose Jesus. Choose YOU!

What does it mean to live a Soul Powered Life?

To me- it means to embody JOY! This is the joy that can truly be felt when I am living in a healthy, thriving and vibrant body.

To me- it means to feel FREEDOM! The freedom that can come from making sovereign and powerful decisions that are based on facts and truths without relying on misguided opinions or a faulty medical system. It also means being free from habits and addictions that have kept me weighed down.

To me- it means to feel SELF-LOVE. This is the love that come from the understanding that the foods I eat have a major impact on my body and soul. And when I choose nutritious and wholesome foods, I am treating my body as the sacred vessel that it is, having been gifted to me by God. 

What does living a Soul Powered life mean to YOU?

Work With Me

30 Minute Health Consult

A Consultation over the phone to chat about where your health is at, what you’re struggling with, where you’re hoping to get to/what you want to accomplish, and how I can help - FREE


Grocery Guidance

A 90 Minute Phone Consult that includes consultation of grocery Must-Haves and purchaser is presented with a customized grocery list - $150


Gal Pal Group

A personal group created just for you + your friends/sisters/neighbors who are seeking guidance, leadership and accountability for making health choices. - 50/MONTH


What Clients are Saying

"Thanks for the fun activity! T and M both enjoyed it! It's too easy to pull out a box of snacks instead of cutting up veggies, but this was great!"


"I would highly recommend Celene! She has a hands-on approach with clients. Celene goes above and beyond by helping to get clients’ mind and body strong."


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